1. Introduction: Do You Believe in Rhetoric and Composition?
Paul Lynch and Nathaniel Rivers, Saint Louis University
Part One. Constituting Assemblages
2. Symmetry as a Methodological Move
Clay Spinuzzi, University of Texas at Austin
3. Getting Over Incommensurability: Latour, New Materialisms, and the Rhetoric of Diplomacy
Carl G. Herndl, University of South Florida, and S. Scott Graham, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
4. From Constituting to Instituting: Kant, Latour, and Twitter
Marc C. Santos and Meredith Zoetewey Johnson, University of South Florida
Part Two. Conceiving Assemblages
5. Rhetoric’s Nonmodern Constitution: Techne, Phusis, and the Production of Hybrids
Scot Barnett, Indiana University Bloomington
6. Bruno Latour Is a Rhetorician of Inartistic Proofs
Joshua Prenosil, Creighton University
7. Is No One at the Wheel? Nonhuman Agency and Agentive Movement
Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder, Oregon State University
Part Three. Convening Assemblages
8. The Whole of the Moon: Latour, Context, and the Problem of Holism
Thomas Rickert, Purdue University
9. Bruno Latour’s Posthuman Rhetoric of Assent
Collin Gifford Brooke, Syracuse University
10. Latourian Memoria
Jeremy Tirrell, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Part Four. Composing Assemblages
11. How Bruno Latour Teaches Writing
Marilyn M. Cooper, Michigan Technological University
12. An Attempt at a “Practitioner’s Manifesto”
Casey Boyle, University of Texas–Austin
13. Flexible Assembly: Latour, Law, and the Linking(s) of Composition
Mark A. Hannah, Arizona State University
Part Five. Crafting Assemblages
14. Craft Networks
Jeff Rice, University of Kentucky
15. Making a Thing of Quality Child Care: Latourian Rhetoric Doing Things
Sarah Read, DePaul University
16. Tracing Uncertainties: Methodologies of a Door Closer
W. Michele Simmons, Miami University, Kristen Moore, Texas Tech University, and Patricia Sullivan, Purdue University
17. Dingrhetoriks
Laurie Gries, University of Florida
18. Symmetry
James J. Brown Jr., Rutgers University–Camden, and Jenell Johnson, University of Wisconsin–Madison