LITERARY CRITICISM / American / General Showing results 1-16 of 18 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:816243240 ‹12› Translating the CountercultureThe Reception of the Beats in Turkeyby Erik Mortenson Emerson and the History of Rhetoricby Roger Thompson Antebellum American Women's PoetryA Rhetoric of Sentimentby Wendy Dasler Johnson The Green GhostWilliam Burroughs and the Ecological Mindby Chad Weidner Ambiguous BorderlandsShadow Imagery in Cold War American Cultureby Erik Mortenson Allen Ginsberg's Buddhist Poeticsby Tony Trigilio Capturing the Beat MomentCultural Politics and the Poetics of Presenceby Erik Mortenson The Daybreak BoysEssays on the Literature of the Beat Generationby Gregory Stephenson Naked Lunch @ 50Anniversary EssaysEdited by Oliver Harris and Ian MacFadyen Imitations of LifeFannie Hurst's Gaslight Sonatasby Abe C. Ravitz Imitations of LifeFannie Hurst’s Gaslight Sonatasby Abe C. Ravitz What's Your Road, Man?Critical Essays on Jack Kerouac's On the RoadEdited by Hilary Holladay and Robert Holton Action WritingJack Kerouac's Wild Formby Michael Hrebeniak The Bitch is BackWicked Women in Literatureby Sarah Appleton Psycho PathsTracking the Serial Killer Through Contemporary American Film and Fictionby Philip Simpson Kerouac, the Word and the WayProse Artist as Spiritual Questerby Benedict F Giamo Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:816243240 ‹12›